February 26, 2007


the hope for playoffs still remain and
linger around hehehehe = )
Frölunda raped and pwN3I) Skellefteå
with 8 - 2 :-)
Two games left, hard ones tho for
Frölunda, but we WILL prevail and conquer,
and then we will win the finals muhahaha :p

Have discovered a new serie i try not to miss everyday
aka "King of Queens", i sorta look like Doug ^^
and also Frank Costanza, or at least that actor,
whatever his name is, think its Jerry something,
anyhow, hes the stepdad to Doug and he rules undisputebly :D
And of course Carrie is kinda a sexxehh chick,
nice round body (i hate the skinny chick-fashion!)
with a nice and firm butt hehe :p

dunno if i posted this before

i have a lousy memory fffs im old dammit
what do yall expect fffs ;)

this is from MY own modded stuff, theres not OnE
single original sound in the whole game (ie my
"sounds" folder in my Doom dir is the biggest one,
around 100 mb hehe) so every scream, shout,
voices and weapon sounds are all my own ( :
The map is called "Gantlet", its from Doom 2 and was
ported by Disposable Heroes Team for Doom 3

February 25, 2007

haha youtube surely has a HUGE collection of stuff

i only post this cuss i sorta a little know the chick ^^
you dont have to tell me this sucks cuss it does ; )


np - Aaron Sutcliffe - "Viva las vegas"

February 23, 2007

worlds shortest quote [Wittgenstein]

-- Wittgenstein's reply to his doctor informing him
about his terminal prostate cancer
Interesting fact about Wittgenstein -
-as a classmate in Linz school was none other than
Adolf Hitler (both born in 1889), its hard to imagine
two such diverse people than Ludwig Wittgenstein
and Hitler
-Three of his siblings committed suicide
-Scientists, schollars and professors still tries to decipher
his book "Tractatus Logico-Philosophus"

Other quotes by him -

"The limits of my language means the limits of my world. "

If we spoke a different language,
we would perceive a somewhat different world.

"Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death.
If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal
duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs
to those who live in the present."

The limits of my language are the limits of my mind.
All I know is what I have words for.

February 22, 2007

my team sucks and xfiles

figures, MY team Frölunda Indians
totally sucked, flopped and bombed this
year, they wont even reach the finals wtf ??!? : (

checkin out Xfiles season 7 now,
interesting that its so uneven, one good episode
mixed with one immensly crappy one hmm

I c Rowan Atkinson Live on the telly,
its interesting that nothing hes done except Black Adder
is good, esp NOT Mr Bean, a more boring nonfunny show
cant be found


i redid that quiz and this time
I became a Wraith ^^

heh demons, stalingrad-weather n books

a little quiz for you,
i jus did it and app Im a Pinky Demon
hmmmmm, shame cuss i really wanted to be
either the maintenance zombie (the guy with blownaway
jaw and holding a wrench, trying to hit others with it ^^)
or a Shambler Demon, altho thats disqualified since its
not in Doom 3, but I could be a Hellknight then ;)

Wa soutside today, despite the Stalingrad-like weather,
bought a couple of nice books downtown in the
Antikvariatet, dunno eng name but its a place that sell
secondhand books at very reasonable prices,
15 bucks for 8 books hehe, including Robert Graves'
"I Claudius" (2 boks), John Keegans' "History of Warfare"
and Tacitus "Germania" and a couple of other books,
i have the runs atm and since the only place i can read
is on the lav, well its handy isnt it ^^
Also bought 2 semlor (kinda pastry, bread with whipped cream
inbetween it), had it for brunch, traditional swedish huh ;)

x-files lookalike

well ive been watching some X-files,
season 6, very uneven season, some immensly crappy
episodes mixed with some great ones,
one of the best ever episodes is "Triangle", it has all,
timeloops-bermuda triangle-evil nazis-immensly cool
filming/editing postproduction stuff etc,
classic !
One of the episodes even has a guy that sorta looks
like me a little, i can see why hes grinning like a mofo,
i mean duh!! standing so close to one of the hottest
women on this planet ! :D

February 20, 2007

website and legality

havent updated my website for months,
did a windows reinstall about 1.5 months back
and i just now reinstalled Dreamweaver,
well what can I say? I rule but im a lazy
ruler ^^
I also recently found a great prog for converting
DVD files/films into .avi, and my first job was to
convert the Taras Schevchenko 1981 Live convert
with New Order hehe =) Copyright Infringement geeks
may rest calmly, i OWN that DVD so you may not sweat
your lil panties ffs, besides regardless of what Warner
and 20th century fox claims, one CAN make one backup copy of
absolutely e v e r y t h i n g and a n y t h i n g one own,
its in the rights, at least here

February 19, 2007

kennedy and new order

if your name is kennedy id suggest
changing it, the american branch of
Kennedys all get sniped and shot,
and if youre the UK branch, you get some
weird skin disease that will kill you,
i saw some documentary about this english
guy, he had some odd skin disease
that meant if anyone touches his skin, even the
slightest, it falls off, he was something like 14 or 15
and he was sitting at home planning his funeral,
im a stone cold bastard and i never get touched by
documentaries, but this one was horrible to see,
he looked like darth vader unmasked from ROTJ,
only way younger and more disfigured,
he only had one dream, and that was to fly in a plane,
so they took him up in one, and i havent seen such a smile
since i saw that other documentary that moved me,
about some 12year old girl in a wheelchair,
her one wish in life was that she could walk like the
other girls, she wasnt retarded as such but she had some slight
form of brain disorder, she was only happy when she
was at a leisure center, swimming, cuss, as she said,
"I feel like im walking like the other girls now"
As hard as it sounds, she was kinda smiling despite
all of her problems, had it been me, well,
id run around in that wheelchair trying to run over
people, and then id roll it up to Ölandsbron and then
tipped it over at the high point, obviously with me still IN it ...

About New order, i uploaded live vids that I converted from
dvd today, it is 2 Joy Division songs, "Heart and soul"
and "Atmosphere", both from the "316" vid

February 17, 2007

518 plus NiI/I

no not some New Order song/album/dvdtitle (586, 511, 316)
but the number of downloads on my doom mod hehe ;)
Soon my second will be released, and as im an old musician
im prob gonna release a separate soundsmod too :)

Nine Inch Nails is gonna release a new album soon,
"Year Zero" ! =)
Heard two tracks from it here

February 16, 2007

im older than dust itself

at least so are my interests as it seem,
i enjoyed, immensly, the BBC Ancient Rome sixpart
docudrama (one of the best ever if not THE best
that I ever seen), and now Im watching, and enjoying,
Engineering An Empire
Its a twelve part series about the old civilizations,
Alexander (Hellenism), Carthage, Maya, Persians,
Aztecs etc, theres also a great separate series about

Weeping WIllows

if they dont release "Youll never know (how good
you really are) as a single from the latest
album "Fear And Love", then whomever deciding
which songs are to be released as singles
is tonedeaf, retarded and generally a mofo,
its that simple.
After a first quick listen, its clear the sound
is more calm, less produced and more laidback
in its sound, kinda like what BRMC did on their last
album (altho BRMC totally flopped by doing that imo),
but so much better than BRMC, I can see myself
playing this album a lot more over the next weeks :)

music and falling down

Patrik, about 25 years late, tried out both his
eyesight as well as glasses today, i was there as well
(my immaculate taste in umm everything is indisputable
as we all know) to make sure he didnt go for some
gaylooking glasses (after all one is surrounded by
gayness in opticians stores, even a bonafied hetero male
may come out with something gay or semigay)
and he chose a pair that made him a dead ringer of
Michael Douglas in Falling Down ^^ Interesting huh

Sad to say this, but the latest Garden of Delight album
Lutherion III, is quite a disappointment :(
Lutherion I was superb, then Lutherion II
was mainly a little more of the same that Lutherion I
had but a little lesser good, and now Lutherion III
is just boring and lack of good tunes, they better wise up
with next album ie start to write songs instead of just
using a good sound (a good sound CAN carry maybe ONE album
but never two) or ill lose interest.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is due soon with a new single,
i have no hopes on it since their last album sucked
so deeply, but well see, it might hopefully be good =)

Got the brandnew Weeping WIllows album now,
will inform you later on the content,
only here will you read the definite and true
review (as you all know) ^^

February 13, 2007

this googlestuff is confusing + gossip

this google stuff account they forced me to use
in here confuses the hell outta me,
first they made me sign up here with
a mailaccount hostname, and then they
try to make me use google mail, and yes id like to
have that cuss its like 3 gb of space, but when
i try to sign in to my googleaccount they say i cant
use my existing name cuss its in form of another
mailhost....!! Ummmmmm retardation-planning, anyone??
They FORCE me to signup for this blog
with a mailhostname but thats not "good enough"
for their other service .... ?? Hmmm im sure the
administrator behind this is most likely
a microsoft employee ...

If you want the latest gossip about celebs
then you def have come to the wrong place,
im sure i was the last person in the world to find out that
anna nicole smith is dead, i found that out last night ...
It baffled me (or not) that she did two major
boobie ops shortly before her death,
ummmmmmmmm what was her size a couple of months ago,
like 444 GGG? Thats not enough, what was she aiming for then,
888 KKK size?????? Maybe she wanted her boobs to be bigger
than her head (if they werent already) ? Hmmm
She wasnt my type, but i can still rem when she was brandnew
and did that H & M commercials in ummm 1991 (or around there),
i mean there i was, driving along carefully (??) as you
please in my Ford Taunus slightly trimmed V6 when all of a sudden
this HUGE billboard came into my FOV, some blonde chick
exposed almost her entire voluptous body
(face it, back then she had a VERY hottt curvy WOMAN
body, something for posh spice, sarah jess parker
and similar dragqueen lookalikes to copy) in
size 4000 x 5000 feet, i almost drove
off the street ffs !! :p haha ;)

thieves are all over

talked to Klas just now, apparently some
mofo stole his bike recently (used to be my
old bike before i sold it to him)
but i cant say im too surprised, it was a
REAL mountainbike, not one of those lame
pathetic mountaibike-wannabe-bikes such as Logan,
this was a Marin, if Tour deFrance was on mountainbikes
Lance Armstrong would have used it

totally "Rome-ified" atm

(and no, atm doesnt mean asstomouth, not on this
occasion ^^)
Lets seee, Im watching "Rome" season two,
reading Conn Iggulden's excellent books
(four of them) about Caesar and Im also
watching probably the BEST docuseries I
ever seen, "BBC : Ancient Rome". a sixpart
series which blew my mind away, what a effing
fantastic series!!! BBC do pwnz totally when it comes
to docuseries, thats for damn sure fffs !! :D

"ceterum censeo, Carthago delenda est" - Marcus Porcius Cato
"Nihil est incertius vulgo" -- Cicero ("Nothing is more
unpredictable than the mob")
"Profanum vulgus" -- Horatius ("uneducated mob")
"Acta est fabula, plaudite" - Augustus (last words meaning
"the play is over, applaud")
"Cave cavem" -- beware of the dog
"Cave lupus" -- beware of the wolf ^^

"Dictum factum" -- said and done
"In vino veritas" -- the truth is in wine

"nemo usura vista sobrius" -- Danne J ("Noone uses vista
(while being) sober",
vista is, well if you cant figure
THaT out, then youre kinda retarded ^^

February 12, 2007

damn puterchairs

looks like i have too much muscles in my
back cuss i busted the back of my puterchair,
real nice isnt it, if i lean back ill fall and hit
my head (some says its a big head) onto the
ummm thingie i have in back of me
my hopes now lays on my good friend
and Maestro Klas, and until wednesday Ill
agree on whatever he says, no matter how retarded
it may be ^^
Diplomacy is my middlename ;)

February 09, 2007

bottom + the white eminem


Eddie IS the white eminem ^^

February 08, 2007

my name is adder - black adder

Imagine if Edmund Black Adder played
James Bond, then the opening scenes of the best
Bond film (GoldenEye) look like this --

February 07, 2007

fotboll skoj me aaa + Hoth + Smiths

we play Egypt tonight in some friendly
match, amazingly enough its one of the very
few telly channels I currently can see yaya fffs !! ;)
I hope Suzanne Sjögren is the host hehehe,
cant really describe what id do with her,
or more correctly, TO her but nm ^^
Well if they were to shoot a remake of Star Wars -
Empire Strikes Back (fave Star wars) they could quite
easily shoot the ice planet of Hoth scenes here,
its an adventure going to the store, and I did the same
mistake Hitler did, ie give the troops (in this case me)
winter equipment or lose the battle (of Stalingrad) ^^
Man one needs a shovel just throwing out the garbage,
those few meters I have to go is cramped with snow,
I expected to find a little rebelbase behind that small
house, with some repairteam fixing a Snowspeeder
thats got a jammed engine ffs, and if I had seen
Luke Id kick him in the bollocks cuss hes a sissy wanker,
long live the Empire, long live the dark side !!!! ;)
Darth vader = pwnage

uploaded some Smiths live from Madrid 1985 in my
Youtube account, and also some High Chapparall Reloaded
stuff, incl a clip with Ron Jeremy and some nudist
cente in Chicago (rather apptly) ^^

February 06, 2007

hockey skoj aaa ! ^^

cannot even begin to try to explain
hockey skoj aaa, only Patrik and I know
exactly what that is (and how its supposed to
be pronounced, ok maybe Kenna, the rough cop m8
might know too ^^)
We play the Tjecks tonight in a friendly game,
and in two days its Sweden Hockey Games
altho its renamed to LG Games (im sure that
happened merely because I have a LG now, model KG225,
what possible other reason can there be if not that??)

Top 5 cool Swedish hockeyplayers

1 Ulf "Robocop" Samuelsson
2 Börje Salming (ask ANYONE in Toronto between
5 - 85)
3 Mats Sundin (ask ANYONE in Toronto between
5 - 85)
4 Peter Berndtsson
5 Ulf Sterner

Top 3 noncool Swedish hockeyplayers
1, 2 and 3 - the "smurf lineup" in Brynäs a couple
of years ago, I refuse to name those midgets


365 ^^
Speakin of downloads, i chucked that ytorrent garbage
torrent client, it has some form of inbuilt choker
that asphyxiates the rate, i saw it daily,
for instance on some of the latest I had 500
seeders but got 2 kb (!!), i cant see why THAT
client isnt banned everywhere like Bitcomet is??
With Bitcomet i couldnt register anywhere but got
fairly good rates, with ytorrent i can register anywhere
but gets NO bitrates, and since theres a lot of public hubs
around, the choice between ytorrent and Bitcomet
is quite obvious from a logical standpoint

Im gonna do like Mikael Lundin has done a lot aka
"top 5 of everything" hehe ^^
Stay tuned

February 04, 2007

Doom DVD Bonus material

i uploaded a dvd bonus from the Doom flick
i bought the other day, some bloke called Jason
demonstrates the game, ok so its the suxbox
version, but it looks to 99 pcg like the PC-version
(unless one runs some mods, for instance my mod ^^)
It lags just a little, i guess my version of
Fraps isnt working properly hmmm
ANyhow, if youre a total newbie to Doom 3
and never played it before [or hardly any fps games
at all] , this is for you = )

petra mcgahan - bimbo

I noticed Patriks fave tellygirl Petra Nordlund (indeed she IS
yummy, id do her no prob hehehe) has married someone called
Mcgahan, and I wonder, it MUST be Dave Gahans scottish cousin!
Cant be any other explanation, this is the only possibly explanation
that is not illogical . Hmmmm wonder how wild he could even be,
i mean good old Davey has a sorta wild disposition, imagine then
the Scottish version ... ;)

Im real tired of all these sites that uses flash anims instead
of oldtime html and/or jpg and gif formats, i know WhY
they do it, they dont want people, such as I,
to download any of their pics,
and by default measures, one cant,
but then it is strange, weird and odd that I do have a couple
of those unabtainable pics isnt it hmmmmmm??
Heres one --

This chick has a site with a lot of pics that arent in ANY
"downloadable" format, and yet - here is one ! Weird huhh ^^
And no she isnt really my type, love the boots though hehe :p

gud vad denna blog e OMSTÄNDIG

det e ju själva fan, det går inte att lämna en kommentar
längre , inte ens i min egna blogg, man måste logga in på
bloggen o sen logga in på den nya gogglebloggen som dom
TVINGADE mig att göra (häromdagen när jag skulle logga
in på min original blogg så kom man INGENSTANS förutom till
"switch to goggle blog" med andra ord blev jag TVINGAD
att byta) men det roliga är, att jag INTE kan logga in på den här nya
sura googlebloggen (!) Visst, det går HÄR men ICKE när jag ska
lämna kommentarer ... vem fan har skriptat det här?? En fd
microsoft-anställd eller?? Nubs


Nirvana - "Hormoaning" [import Japan CD - rare as phuck]
in many ways this is my fave Nirvana album,
love that dirty unpolished punkrock sound, sounds kinda
like demo recordings, and their Devo cover ("Turnaround")
is simply brilliant ! = )
"Best fucking song ever made!" -- Kurt on "Love will tear
us apart" (and if you dont know what THAT is, one word -

omg this is hilarious

William "Beam me up" Shatner proves hes one old COOL
geesah ffffs :p

February 03, 2007

forced to use googleaccounts here

cant say i like it, not only was that the ONLY
way to even access MY account, this new googleaccount
is even laggier than it used to be : I
so well see if ill stick around here,
im searching for something ..... a little less forcing :)
And not to mention a lil less LAGGY

currently reading --
well i just finished "Gates of Rome" by Conn Iggulden,
the first book of four about Julius Caesar,
and now im starting on the sequel,
"The death of kings"

3 1 2 downloads on my doom mod now ;)