fotboll skoj me aaa + Hoth + Smiths
we play Egypt tonight in some friendly
match, amazingly enough its one of the very
few telly channels I currently can see yaya fffs !! ;)
I hope Suzanne Sjögren is the host hehehe,
cant really describe what id do with her,
or more correctly, TO her but nm ^^
Well if they were to shoot a remake of Star Wars -
Empire Strikes Back (fave Star wars) they could quite
easily shoot the ice planet of Hoth scenes here,
its an adventure going to the store, and I did the same
mistake Hitler did, ie give the troops (in this case me)
winter equipment or lose the battle (of Stalingrad) ^^
Man one needs a shovel just throwing out the garbage,
those few meters I have to go is cramped with snow,
I expected to find a little rebelbase behind that small
house, with some repairteam fixing a Snowspeeder
thats got a jammed engine ffs, and if I had seen
Luke Id kick him in the bollocks cuss hes a sissy wanker,
long live the Empire, long live the dark side !!!! ;)
Darth vader = pwnage
uploaded some Smiths live from Madrid 1985 in my
Youtube account, and also some High Chapparall Reloaded
stuff, incl a clip with Ron Jeremy and some nudist
cente in Chicago (rather apptly) ^^
fotboll suger... ;-)
så gör modelljärnvägar, du vet, barndomsgrejer, också ^^
haha, kul att du tar det jag skriver som ett personligt påhopp. lol Järnvägen ska bli förbannat kul att sätta ihop när valle når den ädla åldern.
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