windoze installments and psychosexuality
well nowadays, as im a renowned (?) computer expert,
i did a windoze reinstall of my sisters (and her bf)
computer, their xp home ed cd had a completely and
very much different look (and feel) than that of my cd,
but then i have mine on three cd-s, thats what you get
from not buying/getting a "clean xp" os ^^
I think im close of going from the usual impulse speed of xp
to that of warp speed that a Linux OS have, not sure
which Linux im gonna install, maybe I should get the
even older OS of Unix (Linux is based on Unix),
but then it will prob be a total biatch of getting Doom 3
to run on (or is the proper English "under"? hmm)
it, well see what Ill try out first,
aahh it will be so nice, no more being tied down to
the monopoly of microsoft, no more virus alerts
(99.99 percent of ALL viruses and trojans and the such
is designed to microsofts crappy OS), no more being
a SLAVE to the most gay company in the world
(ok i hate Kabelvision, or Tele2vision as theyre now
known as, but even they cant compete with microsoft,
nor can OnOff, or FuckOff as i call them, THE most
gay company in Sweden when it comes to selling
tv-s, stereos, computers etc, i go ROFL, litterary,
when i see their ads on telly, "go to someone who
can get it to work", ya do go somewhere else BUT to
FuckOff haha)
//"Gnällgubben" (grumpy old man, or similar)
o and btw, when one googles "anal character"
the first hit says, and i quote --
"...A person with an anal character typically shows traits such as
excessive neatness and
and an inability to be flexible."
Interesting huh ^^
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