September 09, 2007


hmm well im currently reading Henning Mankell's
book "Kennedy's brain", hes the guy that wrote
those books about the police inspector Kurt Wallander,
i like those films they did of those, especially with
Rolf Lassgård as Wallander, hes much better than
Krister Henrikssons portrayal of him imo,
i never read anything before this Kennedy brain book,
but by jugding from this book, i dont see why
Mankell is priced so high, the book is immensly boring,
about some woman who finds his son dead in
his bed, and she wont believe the official explainaton
of suicide, so she starts to travel the entire world (i guess she
must be wealthy cuss on monday she fliesy to Portugal,
two days later she goes to
South africa and the day after, shes off to Brazil etc its a LOT
of flying here and there, , actually the book
is like a "travelers guide to flying") and talks to persons
that knew his son, she manages to get mugged too,
anyhow its a complete cowpat of a book, can you spell
BORING ?? *ZZZ zzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzz*
maybe hes so hyped cuss he managed to get hitched
to Ingmar Bergmans daughter (one of them cuss Bergman
has like 26 sons/daughters, how did he find the time for those
ummm bedly acitivities seeing how he worked so much??
Sir Humphrey said that "an individual thats highly active in one
area of life, tends to be that equally active in others as well")