February 19, 2007

kennedy and new order

if your name is kennedy id suggest
changing it, the american branch of
Kennedys all get sniped and shot,
and if youre the UK branch, you get some
weird skin disease that will kill you,
i saw some documentary about this english
guy, he had some odd skin disease
that meant if anyone touches his skin, even the
slightest, it falls off, he was something like 14 or 15
and he was sitting at home planning his funeral,
im a stone cold bastard and i never get touched by
documentaries, but this one was horrible to see,
he looked like darth vader unmasked from ROTJ,
only way younger and more disfigured,
he only had one dream, and that was to fly in a plane,
so they took him up in one, and i havent seen such a smile
since i saw that other documentary that moved me,
about some 12year old girl in a wheelchair,
her one wish in life was that she could walk like the
other girls, she wasnt retarded as such but she had some slight
form of brain disorder, she was only happy when she
was at a leisure center, swimming, cuss, as she said,
"I feel like im walking like the other girls now"
As hard as it sounds, she was kinda smiling despite
all of her problems, had it been me, well,
id run around in that wheelchair trying to run over
people, and then id roll it up to Ölandsbron and then
tipped it over at the high point, obviously with me still IN it ...

About New order, i uploaded live vids that I converted from
dvd today, it is 2 Joy Division songs, "Heart and soul"
and "Atmosphere", both from the "316" vid


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