November 29, 2005

web counter - biggest hoax of our time (after bill gaytes obviously)

man, its effing imposs to find a working, fully functioning
web counter with statistics, a common counter that merely
shows the number of page visitors are available,
but thats all, if i want some actual statistics that shows,
for example, origin of country, time, os etc,
then im in troub cuss those arent available.
The one im using now is currently showing ZERO
visitors, which i know is a bunch of horsecrapage
cuss 1) Ive been there and 2) several others i know
has also been there

November 27, 2005

homo army part zwei

well today the "recruits" went to the firing range to testfire
the M16 A2 assault rifle, and one of them started to cry (!)
while firing it, ok if some people are afraid of firearms and the bang,
but duhh, its a mere 223 cal (5.56 mm), the sound is just a slight higher
than that of a bb gun, and so is the recoil, I fail to see why he should be
so scared of the M16, it kinda also look a little like a plastic toy,
I guess its luck that they dont use the AK47 Kalashnikov
or our AK4 assault rifles cuss they have a true big kickass recoil
and a very high BANG!! sound, im sure that gay recruit would have died
if hed fired one of those ;) Im no fan as such of the 223 calibre,
its too small, has no real penetration and the aim isnt too good cuss of its
smallness, Id rather go .30 cal (7.62 mm) anyday, such as the AK4, AK47
with a 75-rounds drum mag
(altho im no fan of the AK47 rifle in itself, too small buttstock, meaning
its hard to take a good aim, one cant lay down
on the ground and shoot with it cuss the magazine is too large) etc
but if push comes to shove, id prob wanna go to war with a pump shottie,
with a Glock as a sidearm hehehe :)

November 26, 2005

jaha nu ska dom dra över en igen

det kunde man ju räkna ut, nu har dom "förbättrat" min sitemätare,
med "förbättring" menas ju, självklart, att man ska behöva betala
för att överhuvudtaget kunna få ut nånting av den,
jovisst man kan se statistik, men inget som man kan använda ..
suck o stön, fan vad jag är trött på detta SKRÄP!!!
- in eng it sorta means that yet again, im f@cked over by my chosen
sitemeter statistic company

November 23, 2005

homo army

well, i usually do not watch docusoaps cuss they
obviously suck backside openings, but Patrik and I
was bumming around this sunday, kinda passed out
after the pizzas, and I was zapping around between my channels
(on my very illegal pirate decoder) and then we saw these
nine sissies running out from some bus, with a very aggro
drill sarge screaming at them, and when it was time for inspection
of their bags, well, out came 20inch pink dildos and the biggest
buttplug i ever saw, hilarious, and then one of those girlymen
broke down, at it had been like 5 minutes into the muster,
okay so its speculative and crap telly, but after a huge phat pizza,
i cannot watch something like a documentary about Kafka
or anything mindboggleing ;)

November 18, 2005

Robban rular [typ] :D

im stuck, stuck in a The Cure loop [maybe some timegap as per a
theory I have with Patrik ;D], main fault of that is prob cuss I dl
the rereleases of Seventeen Seconds, Faith and Pornography
[1980, 1981 and 1982 respectively] with alot of bonus stuff,
if one has those 3 albums, plus Disintegration (1989), The Head On The Door
[1985] and Join the Dots [4cd box set with all b-sides and rare stuff]
then one is pretty much set ! And NO best live album aint Show,
Paris is 100 times better

November 15, 2005

daddy in april

well i was awaken (awoke?? waken up? hmm) this morning rather early
by Charlie, calling me from Germany and telling me, amongst other
things, that hes gonna be a daddy in april,
so congrats m8, take this opportunity to SLEEP as much as possible,
cuss in april you can forget about sleep hehehe ;)

November 13, 2005

batteries needed tomorrow

Hockey - Sweden - finland
Footie - Chelsea - manchester united
of course it has to be at the SAME time geez

November 12, 2005

interesting stuff for FC

Now i KNOW I gotta actually buy the game
Far Cry, or i wont be able to play that mod =)

November 11, 2005

as usual this server is slower than a 56 modem

.... imposs to update my profile

November 09, 2005

Doom the flick

I had no expectations whatsoever on it (ive read the original script and THAT
one would have been interesting to see, but obviously hollywood wouldnt
accept it, it would have been way too narrow for the mainstream moviegoer
(ie the riff-raff, white trash no-brained eminem-listening crowd, which seem
to to popup everywhere these days) but highly intriguing for us
Doom fans, o well, the vid wasnt all that sucky tho, it had some parts from
Doom 3 in it (and now I know from where the Pinky Demon got its name)
and of course Rosamund Pike -
is quite a sexy hot woman! :-D Miss Pike was also in the latest Bond flick
Die Another Day, as the MI5 operative who was a doubleagent
(I firmly think she should have been the Leading Lady instead of
Halle berry, okay my eyes dont hurt while seeing Halle,
but Rosamund is 100 times sexier in my totally-not-humble-opinion,
i KNOW beauty when I see it hehe, and im a firm believer in the saying that
goes "Each and every woman is beautiful, cuss
EVERY woman has SOMETHING special, one just has to find it)

I also was foolish enough to try to update my BIOS,
ya, i forgot about my rather gay and sucky spot that holds my two
RAM cards in place, its enough to blow on it, every so little and then
the Windows wont start, so im not gonna ever again try to update
the BIOS (and why im messing with the RAM may sound odd,
reason for accidently touching them is because one cant update the
sodding BIOS without a floppy disc drive (talk about Jurassic Park ages,
a floppy disc???? Is this like 1993?? I removed my floppy disc drive
as soon as i got my puter and installed an extra harddrive instead,
the floppy discette is totally a thing of the immensly-past)
so i had to try to connect one and thus i accidently touched the RAM
(a hair on my arm is enough power to make them not work!!)
but now i know better than to try that ever again.

November 06, 2005

Analogue Dream

I miss my Moog Prodigy :(

November 05, 2005


reading - Guido Knopp - The S S

just read - Simon Montefiore - Stalin, Court of the red tsar