September 24, 2005

dogs bollocks

fucking wonderful, the clan that hosts the Sof2 servers i play and admin on,
are shutting down soon :(

September 22, 2005


Fields of the Nephilim is gonna release a brandnew album soon ! =)
My alltime fav gothband ffs, Carl McCoy is 10 times the singer
that Eldritch aint, cant wait to download it hehehe =)

September 20, 2005

bravenet=spamnet is a site and company one should avoid,
i used to have their services but then they decided to pull
a swift one on their customers, so i simply removed their stuff
from my site and told them i dont want their "newsmails"
in the future (i put "newsmail" with " cuss mainly it was just
them telling us how sodding great they are, esp with their new
"improved" services, and its also filled with SPAM)
and yet still, more than a whole year later, i still get their SPAM,
and this is from a company that call themselves "the worlds TOP FREE
web host and tool provider, for an enhanced web experience"...
If you have a website, do not use them, youll never get rid of them
once you discover exactly what they are.

September 18, 2005

soundpacks n footie

As a former musician and being invovled in music creation/production/mixing/etc
I find it very appealing to do sounds for my games, it started back in 2000-2001
with Counterstrike and then continued with other games, such as RTCW and SWAT3,
the latest Ive done is a pack for Doom 3 and also Soldifer of Fortune 2 (Sof2),
im nearly done with my second soundmod for Sof2,
when its done it can be found here -, under Mods section in the Forum : )
Im also doing a lot of remixing of various music, mainly Front Line Assembly
and some NIN, once I get my own domain I might post some of them
(at least until Im getting threats by the music label ;D)

Geez saturdays are nowadays devoted to footie cuss Canal +
airs like 5-6 matches live, cant see all tho since some of them are on
the same time but on diff Canal + channels (thank god for pirate decoders !!)

gotta leg it, The dirty dozen (that has a certain pr0nfeel over itself that title hehe)
is on the telly :p

September 05, 2005

Steam - u suck @55

"Some" people (ie the ones that a)havent pld hl2 or b) are plain ignorant)
dont understand why im so anti-steam, well, one reason is that the net is
suppsoed to be free, aight? And NOT like DDR in 1974 or Chile 1982,
where ONE had all power and thus could take the piss outta everyone else,
and thats exactly how steam works, its one big centralized
big brotheresque knowitallaboutu canfuckuallover prog, it reverted progress
from 2004 to 1974, its a total ripoff, if Valve (the makers of Halflife and
the selfproclaimed "pioneers and prophets of the game industry" (hybris any1??)
at least could have the bollocks to admit that theyre forcing the players
just so they can earn more cash, i could sorta have a lil lil respect for them,
but since they claim that "this is the best solution ever" i say fuck off to Valve,
that Orwellian Nightmare (or maybe its a Franz Kafka nightmare)
prog is never ever going on my system.
Funny tho, Valve, the evernubs as they prove themselves to be,
claims that "noone will ever break the Steam-code",
and yet im currently playing Halflife 2 on my puter and theres no hint of
Steam on it :-) I dont play Counterstrike anylonger cuss of the hackers7cheaters/
immature n00bs that plays it (Counterstrike is, for the few of you that dussnt know
it, a mod to the original Halflife game and the first Beta came out in 1999)
but maybe Ill try to play a lil Counterstrike Source online, altho that is,
Valve claims so, impossible without Steam.
When Sin 2 is released, via Steam ONLY, im looking forward to trying it,
and no Steam is not gonna be on this puter, not as long as I can breathe
and retain my IQ of 139, if i get stroke and thus my IQ drops to like
George Bush levels (around 35, maybe 40 on his days) only then
will Steam root its DDR-esque greedy hands onto my puter.

bill Gaytes - u suck @55

Since i switched from Internet Explorer (Explorer huh, it should read Virus-collector)
to another web-browser, i had NO trojan/virus/worm/BHO/startup/regentry-attempts/hijack/malicious scripts probs whatsoever,
none, nada, zilch, squat, zero ! And i havent changed my surfin habits at all, and yet NADA bs from the net at all =) Im pleased that the other 95 percentof the puterusers is using IE, that makes the browser im using a WAY s m a l l l e r target for those aforementioned troubs, and also its easier configuring this browser, so in affect theres absolutely no drawback since i left 1 of 2 microshit bullshit crap products behind, the other one is Windows itself, if i get another puter in the future, im going Linux on that one, and then im 100 percent Bill GAYtes-free hehehe :)