havent played FC for like months,
ive had these weird graphical anomalies
like vehicles floating 3 feet above ground and these
odd white stripeythingies straight in the middle of
the screen etc, so i was waiting for the 1.4 patch that was
said to deal with someof those probs (apparently
a lot of nvidia users had these probs) and that 1.4 patch
was released the other day, so i thought "yay i can install
FC again WITH a new glorious probfixing patch!"
Well, not quite, as it turns out, the patch only adressed
MP (MultiPlayer, as opposed to SP - Single Player)
issues, and not any P issues at all, betrayal one from
Ubisoft, and then, reading all the comments on the
Official FC forum, that patch had some ummm
original and novel postures, to be blunt, it sucked @ss
apparently, thread after thread on all sorts of problems
with it, and it proved my suspicions once and for all -
the producers knows jack shit about programming,
their 1.2 patch was even so badly done they had to release
another patch just to make up for the crappiness of patch 1.2 !!
Kinda unheard of, the closest in that direction would be that
illfated and very crappy patch for Unreal (Klas knows what i mean ^^)
Speaking of FC, or rather speaking of (or should it be ON??)
Doom, i browsed the Doom forums and found out that one can
play DOom 3 on the FC engine, now THAT would be ubercoolness !!
The best part of FC was the scenery, its the most estethically
beautiful game ever, so using that as a "background"
and then import the Doom stuff, ie weapons, story, enemies,
monsters, that thought is VERY appealing ffs !!! :p
aaw shame i dont know c++ scripting crapppppppppp
but ill probably try it anyway hehehe ^^
heh 35 minutes to NHL starts and i cant see it at all
cuss of the GAYNESS of this GAY digital telly nonsense bullshit
theyre forcing down on us, i used to have 27 channels, now i have 5....
AND still the politicians are baffled that downloading hasnt stopped,
but actually increased??!! Well duuuuuuuh geez wonder WHY ..
Speaking of downloaded stuff, the new "Greatest hits"
by swedish electroband Covenant is kinda nice listening : )