more vids on Youtube site
all in all i have like 9 vids there now,
thanks to Fraps and Virtualdub,
the former is kinda freeware
(the free version has a 30sec limit of recording)
but Virtualdub is real freeware,
great film editing program, best I ever worked with !
One note though, for some reason or other,
the vids suffers from one thing -
sound lag, theres none of that when I upload
them, so its something thats related to the Youtube site,
probably when they convert the files into their own
file format.
Klas also has a vid of his kid there, so check that one out
too and make Klas a happy campah! ^^
After all he deserves it, especially after realising
that I make excellent, great coffe
as he points out on his blog!! hehehe
Hehe, tackar för det, å länken till Valle. Det kommer fler videos nångång snart.
friends are friends, well except in some cases where friends wasnt really friends, but thats another story
Sunday is still on?? :) Btw cramps in the right leg hurt as "!!@13!!¤
japps, i båda fallen. Bjud digital också så ska jag bjussa honom på en pilsner :-) Nej förresten då tror han att vi är alkisar, särskilt om vi skulle råka ta en öl på en söndag. HEMSK tanke. hehe
hahaha indeed, allting är för honom ENBART svart eller vitt, men i själva verket är ju det mesta, om icke allt, grått dvs mittemellan ;)
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