aahh crap
im trying to get the "plasma radar mod"
to work with the default machinegun,
but that invovles messing with SCRIPT
files, anyone whos ever worked with that
and like me have NO ed on it, theyknow
what a "#¤!"" that is .......
vector blipLoc = monsterPointer.getWorldOrigin();
blipLoc = ppos-blipLoc;
// dt = distance between player and creature
float dt = sys.vecLength(blipLoc);
// Test for distance from player
if(dt <= 825) { blipLoc = sys.VecToAngles(blipLoc); // dr = difference of angle, in degrees, between current player facing and creature direction float dr = blipLoc_y - pr; // Creatures behind the player (or directly to either side) don't show up on the radar // Technically, clipping in the GUI will take care of this anyway, but I worry about passing obscenely large values to the gui rect command. Plus, it saves us unecessary calls to sin/cos. // The dx1/dy1, dx2/dy2, etc. generated here are pixel locations for the gun GUI blips. A value of -1 in either will result in the GUI hiding the blip altogether. if(dr > -85 && dr < 85) {
// Increment blip counter
// Uncomment the following lines to get full, real-time info on creatures on the radar.
sys.println("MonsterPointer #" + numBlips + ": " + monsterPointer.getName() + "(" + dt + "units away)");
sys.println(" rotation: " + dr + " | radar x/y: " + (274+(dt/3)*sys.cos(dr+90)) + " / " + (349-(dt/3)*sys.sin(dr+90)));
// Convert data to usable pixel locations on radar GUI
setGuiParm("dx" + numBlips, 274+(dt/3)*sys.cos(dr+90));
THIS is what it looks like ...
and for one reason or another,
i quote Mr Gumby -
"my brain hurts"
(if you dont know who Mr Gumby is,
SHAME on you)
Stackars liten. Livet är hårt ;-)
haha du ska passa dig jävligt noga lilla lilla klas ^^
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