BRAVENET - Spammers
to actually load this page, sign in and getting
here, 3.5 mins, a new record, usually it takes
about 6-7 mins... Anyhow,
AVOID everything regarding the site BRAVENET,
theyre nothing but a bunch of SPAMMERS,
i was unlucky enough to use their sitereport
for my own site a couple of years back,
when it still was freeware, then they changed into
regular PAYware, so i decided to stop using their "service",
cant call it service though, it never ever worked properly
and it showed me bogus reports, so in essence I sacked
their crappy nonworking crap out off my site,
I also nonregistered with them, to make sure I wouldnt
get their SPAM (a company that states "we wont sed you any spam
only essential updates" and then mail you EVERY day with
"our service is sooooooooooooo great!!", then it IS spam)
but what happens you wonder - yup, i get their SPAM e v e r y day ...
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