talked to Klas today, or Musse as I call him,
or Musjäveln as others call him ;) anyhow
he stated two interesting things,
1 that From a view to a kill s the worst film of all
times ever made, i cant say i agree, for one thing i can
easily think of at last 2 other Bond films that are worse
(man with golden gun and casino royale)
but he has a point, its roger moores last film and he was
around 60-65 there, he should have stopped after
For your eyes only (which costars the sexiest Bond bird
Carole Bouquet, the runnerup for that trophy is
Izabella Scorupco, sexy redhead from my fav
Bond film ever ie GoldenEye), she happens to be
Swede too hehe, shame her taste in music sux,
shes married to a hockeyplayer and we all know how
LOUSY their tastes in music are)
Hmmm now i cant rem what the other statement of
his was, keep getting images of Carole and Izabella
in my head, both of them ...
I keep getting questions all over about
how one does when one mods for Doom, well first up
i dont know c++ scritping so i cant do the things
i REALLY wanna do with doom, one of them being
able to rip guns from other games and put in Doom,
for instance i always always wanted to take the
XM1014 semiauto shotgun from Counterstrike,imagine how useful a semiauto shottie would be for those
rather narrow quarters and small hallways that
makes up over half the game, id say something around 70-75
pcg of Doom3 is that, as of now im using the default
pump shotgun of Doom turned into semiauto,
same prob as with the xm10124 of CS tho ie
one fires those 7 rounds in about 2 seconds ;)
I could be a lamer and have a clip capacity of like 25
but i refuse to be THAT lame hehe,
other guns id love to have in Doom3 is
a Beretta skin for the default P226 pistol
in CS made by some Swedish modder called
Suicidemachine, that baby (the gun not him haha)
was so very sweet to have in CS, i used to play on
the UK.nets "Pistols Only" servers with that
cool Beretta, way better than the default P226 pistol,
it had new reload anims, new custom draw anims etc
Very nice !
But as said ive gotten a lot of "how do i mod?"
and rather than writing it all down over and over,
i think ill do a short piece on my own site, if i still have
enough memory left, those
new scans i postedhas prob taken up a lot of space, and im gonna post
more scans soon =)