July 25, 2007

stefan o krister is humour??????

well, maybe back in the 30s it was
humour, i dont know why TV4 insists
on sending that boring crapage,
people falling on their asses and some dude
drinking a large cup of boose and then say like
"man that was strong!", thats funny????
How is that funny??? Hmmmm

Ive gotten some people naggin me to listen to
all of limpin park, so i did, but im still convinced
limpin park is the most overrated band
the latest ten years, of all their stuff there is
ONE good song, the rest totally suxxx,
the reason why this one is fairly good is prob
cuss theres no (c)rappin on it

id much rather listen to bands like Paradise Lost instead --

homemade vid of "Soul courageous"


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