depeche n other stuff
played in Göteborg the other day and
Aftonhoran, oops i mean Aftonbladet
gave them 4 of 5, apparently Dave
rocked like hell hehe :)
Coolest singer alive id say
Aftonhoran also asked 5-6 fans about their
fave DM song, and almost all said
"Personal Jesus", hmmmm wonder why,
ok the song itself is great but the "clothes"
its wrapped in is rather lame imho
Saw the triumphant return of Tre Kronor
in Stockholm this afternoon on the telly,
35 000 people turned up to see it =)
OS-GULD ffs !!!
Saw some docu about fat kids on the
telly that made me sad, its sad that I
have to pay for those surgeries cuss
the kids moms are too stupid and lazy
to teach their kids not to always eat at
Mcdonalds, it only confirm my beliefes
that we should have some form of "breeding license",
get real not ALL women are suited for babybirth,
the same as not people all are suited for driving cars,
we have a license for that but not for spreading the legs
and popping out offspring, a LIFE into the world ...
It struck me that mainly its the wrong women that
has many kids, why is that then??
Lowlives apparently has a tendency to spread their
genes around, whereas most real sensible women,
apparently, do not. Why is that then?
Speaking of lowlives, i saw a whole bunch of
parkies in the store the other day, and, of course,
when i stood in the queue to PAY for my stuff,
the whole lot was, of course, right behind me,
and the stench was incredible