Denis Dyack, president of Silicon Knights,
has filed a lawsuit against Epic, who are
responsible for producing the Unreal graphic
engines, cuss as he states "the Unreal Engine 3
didnt work as Epic promised", lol no shit,
the Unreal engine(s) SUCKS major backside,
every game i ever played, with the possible exception for the
first Unreal game (1998), all had immensly lousy game physics,
look at Postal 2 and the expansion Apocalypse Weekend,
they still have these "insivisible walls" stuff ie what SEEMS
to be the end of, say a streetcorner, it pertrudes out
the equivalent of around 1-2 feet, lets say i throw a grenade
well clear BESIDES that streetcorner, and yet it bounces like theres
an invisible wall, im not surprised older games has that flaw
(half life 1, Unreal, Quake 1) but NOT a game from 2003-2004,
thats pathetic beyond belief!
And a basic thing as normal gravity doesnt exist in Unreal engine
based games either, take the aforementioned grenade,
is it a grenade or is it a plastic ball???? It bounces like theres
no tomorrow, and it bounces HIGH, even up to the invisible
roof that covers the player, sure i know theres invisible roofs
above me when i play a game, but in modern games that roof
is the equivalent of around 150 feet (or about 40 meters),
Far Cry from 2004 had that, but in Postal 2, from 2003,
that roof is about 60 feet (or 15 meters) (!), how lame is that!
I throw a grenade in the air and it bounces on some invisible
rooftop lol, id expect that behaviour in Halflife 1 from 1998
but NOT in a game from 2003 ....
Another game based on the lousy Unreal engine is
Americas Army, and yes it has the exact same stuff as
Postal 2, invisible rooftop at a very LOW altitude
which makes it impossible to use the M203 grenade launcher
mounted on the Colt assault rifle effectively,
aim too high and it explodes straight at that invisible
roof (!), and THIS is supposedly the "most realistic
soldier simulator ever!"?? Lol ya, my foot,
when one cant use the weapons of modern war ingame
cuss of severe limiations of the graphical engine, then by default
it ISNT anywhere near realistic.
The Unreal engine also sucks for many nvidia users,
im one of those with my Gainward Bliss 7600GT AGP
256 MB, for many of us we have these graphical errors,
socalled "wear n tear" graphical anomalies,
hard to explain how they look (maybe i should take a scrnshot)
but it makes "solid" objects (walls, doors, stones, rocks et cetera)
have big seethru holes in them, its also looks like theres big wooden
planks hangin in midair all thru the game,
which render the game virtually pointless to play,
each and every game i ever played based on Unreal
engine technology (haha thats a laugh, "technology")
has both the "invisible walls", immensly LOW "rooftop"
or maybe "ceiling top" would be more appropriate description?,
and these graphical errors, thats why i HATE Unreal engine
Speaking of Unreal "technology", im playing that Postal 2 expansion
called "Apocalupse weekend", and a more silly and lame expansion cant
be found, its so lousy it even makes "Blueshift" for halflife 1
look great, theres no real "masterplan", first its set on a hospital
and then it turns "Silent hill"-like with weird surroundings and sorta
hallucinative effects with the walls etc, total ripoff from Silent Hill
but a lot worse made, then its mutated cats that spins around and
tries to kill you ... LOL when i first saw it, i just thought OMG
how lame is this??!? Its not even funny, not even in a sarcastic way,
its just lame, and then gary Coleman (worlds smallest black actor,
known from ummmm some sitcom or other in the 70s) from Postal 2
returns, and by now its really laughable, Running With Scissors obviously
had NO ideas when they did this expansion for Postal2,
they just felt that "hey lets follow up on Postal 2 with
an expansion pack and roll in the cash!"
Later on you get some retarded mission about killing 21 cows (!),
you get a LAME attempt of Doom3 and zombies attacking you,
theres 25 zombies in a restaurant which you must kill by headshots,
its so clear theyre trying to emulate Doom3 here,
and god forbid anyone on fire also puts YOU on fire, which happens
a lot since they scripted anyone thats set on fire to ALWAYS rush at you
directly, totally devoid of logic (i can see if maybe ONE of 50
would charge you, but otherwise im fairly certain if ones put on
flames covering the entire body, youre otherwise busy screaming
your head off in immense pain) and since they removed the ability
to zip down your pants and pee straight up (thats the ONLY way of
puttin out the fire in postal2 lol) one sits and frenetically pushes the
set key for "use item" and in this case the "use item"
would be a sorta prinzel or some cookie, giving you 1 healthpoint
everytime, and being on fire rapidly takes away your health,
which means youre sitting tapping that "use item" key a LOT....
Id love to say that "the plot in Apocalypse weekend sux"
but since there isnt a plot as such, well,
if youre a diehard fan of Postal2 you might maybe possibly
enjoy some parts of this expansion,
but im not a diehard fan, so i say this expansion
simply sucks, waste of download time oops i mean
waste of cash ^^
Its like 3000 degrees in my crappy crummy apartment and im
sweating like a pig (funny expression cuss in my knowledge,
pigs dont sweat)