August 31, 2007

Rik Mayall is a man of many talents

he can sing Elvis

and hes also Lord Flashheart hehehe ;)

August 28, 2007

monopolysoft, windoze update, footiedeaths and snoop dogg

hmm (imagine here the "hmm" that "The Dude" lets off
in the beginning of every start of a new day in "Postal 2")
microsoft, or rather bloatwaresoft, or lamesoft,
have been naughty again, this time in Sweden,
they paid off/bribed some subsidiary companies to vote
their way about which font to use as a standard in Sweden,
not surprisingly microsft and their boring font won,
its always amazing how the capitalists always argues
"a free market is essential for free will", what a load of
absolute bollocks, its the exact other way around,
HOW many companies dominates completely the computer
software industry? HOW many companies have a 98 percent
ownage?? IF there really was a "free market" a company
as worthless as microsoft wouldnt be dominating,
ie it has nothing whatsoever to do with "freedom",
it is simply a question on how much money a company possesses
and nothing more, money is power and power is monopoly
to roam freely in a field of business, so spare me the CRAP
talk of "free market" because there isnt such a thing,
history proves that theres ALWAYS one
company that dominates any specific industry/business,
usually it isnt ebcause that given company has better products
than anyone else, its ALL business, which, in microsofts case,
includes backstabbing, a hunger for profit unmatched,
immense greed, selling out your friend(s) whenever
some agreement stops you from earning (more) money,
IF there were such a thing as "free market" a company
could easily outmaneouvre microsofts substandard and highly
flawed products eons ago, i mean DUH!! - windoze 95???
windoze 98?? HOW worthless wasnt THOSE OS on a scale?
XP was release 2001, then there was a servicepack1
and a subesequential servicepack 2, and yet,
when i do a windoze reinstall theres like 90 "securty patches"
and thats AFTER i installed servicepack 1 AND servicepack2,
HOW can a program be THAT poorly programmed, i ask ya??!?
All in all its like 150 updates simply because they individuals
at microsoft cant program shit, HOW can a program be THAT
poorly constructed and yet released? Imagine ANY other
computer program having to be patched 150 times,
people usually gets annoyed after 3 or 4 patches,
sure i can see and understand that any program can be discovered
to have some flaws after its release, most games i know have
a couple of update patches to correct it,
No further comment needed i think
Und so weiter

Finally, i now NEVER use IE anylonger,
theres no need whatsoever anymore
since Mozilla users now can use Windiz
instead, it works without any problems whatsoever,
in fact its way quicker than using IE (no surprise there!)
and, as the site states,
"No personally identifiable information is collected from your computer.",
If there is a security issue with a component that is not yet installed,
it will not ask you to update it. For example, if you have not
installed hyperterminal, it will not update it."
It is not restricted to just Microsoft products.
Software from other vendors can also be updated."
No more unwanted spyware -- Microsoft Internet Explorer can
finally be removed from your computer (if that were possible)." (Actually it IS
possible, but requires a high level of degree of computer knowledge to be able
to remove IE from windoze)
some hints and tricks on how to make IE more secure
(altho the BEST and secure way of making IE really secure
would be to uninstall it completely)


And yet another footballer has died from unknown reasons,
Sevilla's defender Antinio Puerta collapsed last saturday,
he then recovered slightly, but today he died, he was 22.
Theres been quite a lot of unexpected collapses on the pitch
and subsequent deaths, experts have ruled out artificial enhancing
drugs (vad fan heter "blod dopning" på engelska??)
so all of this is a mystery, WHY do welltrained and very fit young
men collapse and die??


Carolina Kluft dominates the Osaka World Champs hehe :-)


anyone else noticed that Michelle Perry looks
exactly like a fem version of snoop dogg?? hmm

August 26, 2007

"new" CLAN H video :)

i took some old footage from the
"Blod, svett o bajs" documentary about our
l33t dudes ie Kustjägare-kompaniet, "Coastal
Rangers" in English, and put our cover of the
Depeche Mode uberclassic "Photographic" ;)

August 20, 2007

completed my new RoE mod

hehe, im finally finished with my
Resurrection of Evil (RoE from now on)
mod, all i need now before releasing it
to doom3files is the approval of a guy
who made the original "Headlight Toggler Mod"
for Doom3, i converted it to RoE
(i had a modderm8 called dafama, the most
competent andable doom modder i know, looking into
it, and it should now work with RoE as well
as it does with Doom3, its amazing that noone
has converted it yet, everybody wants a flashlight
to the guns cuss its a very dark game, prob THE
darkest ever, and theres like 3000 different
flashlight mods for doom that enables a (mounted)
flashlight for doom, it works altho its a basic hack,
hard to explain 8dont have the energy hehe) but this
"Headlight Toggler" is NOT a hack as all the others,
again its hard to explain WHY but nm,
im done with this mod now, worked on it for a long
time 8interspursed with the occasional HD dying on me
and the occassional computer crash to "spice up"
the work, ive restarted on this mod like 5 times,
apart from the flashlight mod it also has
double pistols (can you spell FUN hehe),
the tweaked shotgun i made for doom3 originally
a year ago for doom3, converted to RoE,
added brand new sounds, a tweaked double barrel
shotgun that now shoots ONE barrel at a time
(if you try to fire a doublebarrel shotgun
with BOTH barrells at same time, it will to 99 pcg
explode in your face), and other small tweaks
that makes the game lag less, i removed or shortened
a lot of smoke ingame, if you know doom modding you KNOW
what "textures/particles/barrelpoof" does to your
computer, esp the last "barrelpoof" part,
the higher the laggier ^^
So now im awaiting the approval of the dude thatmade
the headlight toggler for doom3 (also known as
"vanilla doom", that means the original game
unmodded and untouched, ie a virgin game ;)

hehe City bulldozed over hateteam United

aaaaahh how splendid, nice, good,
perfect, ideal, correct and generally
SMASHING that Manchester City, under the
leadership (wonder if he runs the team by
the socalled "Fuhrer Prinzip"? Hmm ^^)
of Sven-Göran Eriksson, or Svennis
won over manchester united (general hate object
and immensly hypedup crap tema one is SUPPOSED
to cheer for, but NOT me, i have my OWN
thoughts and ideals and i wouldnt EVER fall
for THAT crapage!) with
1 to ZERO heheheh :-)

Premier league link -,,12306~1095558,00.html

August 19, 2007

coolest guy in rock

coolest man in rock n roll world is, DUHH,
Eldritch (okay Ian Curtis was the coolest
but hes dead), man i envy his cool leatherjackets,
there must be some special "rock n roll clothes shop"
where only rockstars buys their leathers hmm

rare promo vid for "Body and soul", nice to see Gary Marx,
the only ex-Sister Eldritch isnt in a feud with ^^
Gary is also a way better guitarist than the overrated
Wayne Hussey, actually Wayne is what id refer to a
a female genders absolute most private part

Stop the youtube sanctioned SPAM by user "LisaNova"!
sign this -

August 18, 2007

Happy birthday Shirin !

Shes one year today, man time flies doesnt it ;)
Umm i have no pics in my comp currently of her,
after the last hd-crash i lost all pics i had,
but theres new pics that ill get soon enough,
and then ill post some pics ! :-)

August 16, 2007

Clan H - "All Good Things" - official (??) vid

i took some footage to the fairly
old (but goodlooking nevertheless,
its about 5 years older than Halflife2
but yet it looks superior in every sense imo)
game Project I.G.I. and then put the
music in to it :-)

clan h and youtube whores

been converting a LOT of old stuff
with my old band from crappy cassettes
into digital form, lots of goodies hehe :p

Youtube is the most lame company i know of
at present, they have "strict rules" against
spam, and yet they allow a specific user
(which actually is just some bimbo bitch fronting
a spam-ad company) to get away with it, and guess
WHY? Yup, that company is PAYING youtube cash...!
Can you spell LAME? That sorta makes youtube into
whores doesnt it?? They bend over for cash, yup, THATS
"whoredom" if i ever heard of it
Guess its time to find some other, non-whoring
vid community with some sense of INTEGRITY

August 13, 2007

crap crapage crapdom

was gonna rip some of the old CLAN H songs
to the comp, but the cord didnt fit and i dont have any converters

August 11, 2007

lawsuit and crappy engines

Denis Dyack, president of Silicon Knights,
has filed a lawsuit against Epic, who are
responsible for producing the Unreal graphic
engines, cuss as he states "the Unreal Engine 3
didnt work as Epic promised", lol no shit,
the Unreal engine(s) SUCKS major backside,
every game i ever played, with the possible exception for the
first Unreal game (1998), all had immensly lousy game physics,
look at Postal 2 and the expansion Apocalypse Weekend,
they still have these "insivisible walls" stuff ie what SEEMS
to be the end of, say a streetcorner, it pertrudes out
the equivalent of around 1-2 feet, lets say i throw a grenade
well clear BESIDES that streetcorner, and yet it bounces like theres
an invisible wall, im not surprised older games has that flaw
(half life 1, Unreal, Quake 1) but NOT a game from 2003-2004,
thats pathetic beyond belief!
And a basic thing as normal gravity doesnt exist in Unreal engine
based games either, take the aforementioned grenade,
is it a grenade or is it a plastic ball???? It bounces like theres
no tomorrow, and it bounces HIGH, even up to the invisible
roof that covers the player, sure i know theres invisible roofs
above me when i play a game, but in modern games that roof
is the equivalent of around 150 feet (or about 40 meters),
Far Cry from 2004 had that, but in Postal 2, from 2003,
that roof is about 60 feet (or 15 meters) (!), how lame is that!
I throw a grenade in the air and it bounces on some invisible
rooftop lol, id expect that behaviour in Halflife 1 from 1998
but NOT in a game from 2003 ....
Another game based on the lousy Unreal engine is
Americas Army, and yes it has the exact same stuff as
Postal 2, invisible rooftop at a very LOW altitude
which makes it impossible to use the M203 grenade launcher
mounted on the Colt assault rifle effectively,
aim too high and it explodes straight at that invisible
roof (!), and THIS is supposedly the "most realistic
soldier simulator ever!"?? Lol ya, my foot,
when one cant use the weapons of modern war ingame
cuss of severe limiations of the graphical engine, then by default
it ISNT anywhere near realistic.

The Unreal engine also sucks for many nvidia users,
im one of those with my Gainward Bliss 7600GT AGP
256 MB, for many of us we have these graphical errors,
socalled "wear n tear" graphical anomalies,
hard to explain how they look (maybe i should take a scrnshot)
but it makes "solid" objects (walls, doors, stones, rocks et cetera)
have big seethru holes in them, its also looks like theres big wooden
planks hangin in midair all thru the game,
which render the game virtually pointless to play,
each and every game i ever played based on Unreal
engine technology (haha thats a laugh, "technology")
has both the "invisible walls", immensly LOW "rooftop"
or maybe "ceiling top" would be more appropriate description?,
and these graphical errors, thats why i HATE Unreal engine

Speaking of Unreal "technology", im playing that Postal 2 expansion
called "Apocalupse weekend", and a more silly and lame expansion cant
be found, its so lousy it even makes "Blueshift" for halflife 1
look great, theres no real "masterplan", first its set on a hospital
and then it turns "Silent hill"-like with weird surroundings and sorta
hallucinative effects with the walls etc, total ripoff from Silent Hill
but a lot worse made, then its mutated cats that spins around and
tries to kill you ... LOL when i first saw it, i just thought OMG
how lame is this??!? Its not even funny, not even in a sarcastic way,
its just lame, and then gary Coleman (worlds smallest black actor,
known from ummmm some sitcom or other in the 70s) from Postal 2
returns, and by now its really laughable, Running With Scissors obviously
had NO ideas when they did this expansion for Postal2,
they just felt that "hey lets follow up on Postal 2 with
an expansion pack and roll in the cash!"
Later on you get some retarded mission about killing 21 cows (!),
you get a LAME attempt of Doom3 and zombies attacking you,
theres 25 zombies in a restaurant which you must kill by headshots,
its so clear theyre trying to emulate Doom3 here,
and god forbid anyone on fire also puts YOU on fire, which happens
a lot since they scripted anyone thats set on fire to ALWAYS rush at you
directly, totally devoid of logic (i can see if maybe ONE of 50
would charge you, but otherwise im fairly certain if ones put on
flames covering the entire body, youre otherwise busy screaming
your head off in immense pain) and since they removed the ability
to zip down your pants and pee straight up (thats the ONLY way of
puttin out the fire in postal2 lol) one sits and frenetically pushes the
set key for "use item" and in this case the "use item"
would be a sorta prinzel or some cookie, giving you 1 healthpoint
everytime, and being on fire rapidly takes away your health,
which means youre sitting tapping that "use item" key a LOT....
Id love to say that "the plot in Apocalypse weekend sux"
but since there isnt a plot as such, well,
if youre a diehard fan of Postal2 you might maybe possibly
enjoy some parts of this expansion,
but im not a diehard fan, so i say this expansion
simply sucks, waste of download time oops i mean
waste of cash ^^


Its like 3000 degrees in my crappy crummy apartment and im
sweating like a pig (funny expression cuss in my knowledge,
pigs dont sweat)

August 10, 2007


Hooky and Andy Rourke, from The Smiths, alongside some guy
called Mani has a band called Freebass, kinda interesting
cuss theyre all 3 bassplayers ;) Apparently Hooky does the
lead lines (duh), mani (whos mani?) does the deep basslines
and Andy is "somewhere inbetween", id love to hear what
this would sound like :)

August 09, 2007

fuck imageshack


selfpimp part 2

hehe shame imageshack is fackin me over ^^
that site is actually more laggy than
youtube !!
lets try that again - -

Shot at 2007-08-09

a lil selfpimpin

last night I managed to get 975 points on
one map (for Soldier of Fortune 2 or simply SOF2),
new record for me muhaha ;)
I once had over 1200 points but that was years ago
when i was a newbie and played like 6 hours in a row
on same map, this 975 points was on 30 minutes
on a map called HK2

August 08, 2007

trying out a new DNS server and other stuff

got a tip from a Swedish PC mag about
a DNS server thats supposedly a lot quicker than
any other DNS server, so i configured my connection
accordingly, ill let you know if it is true :)


man its HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT here lately ffs,
its like living in southern Florida with this humid effin
heatwave, i mean i sit perfectly still with two fans blowing
so hard on me i almost fall over, and yet i feel sweat flowing
from my back and forehead, geeeez
I can fully understand Michael Douglas character in
"Falling Down" (top notch film btw, SEE it if you havent!!!)
as he goes Postal, speaking of Michael Douglas Im gonna take
a pic of Patrik with his new glasses, he looks EXACTLY as him
with them hehe ;) Shame he aint a gamer cuss then his name
in any game is quite clear -- "D-fens" lol


It amazes me that "professional" reviewers and seemingly
computer-knowing people still, to this day, lists the fact
that IE 7 has one advantage over Mozilla in that that some sites
cant be viewed with Mozilla, which is absolute bollocks
and utter nonsense, with Mozilla you can have
something you cant have with IE ie PLUG-INS
And there is a plugin that enables you to view ALL sites
that are said to be "IE only"-sites,
and since Mozilla bulldozes over IE in every way there
possibly is (security, plugins, stability, userfriendliness,
customibility et cetera) there really isnt ANY logic
in using IE over Mozilla, in the past one was forced
to use Windoze IE crap browser whenever one had to update
Windoze, but not anymore, Windiz enables Mozilla users
(and Opera and Netscape) to update Windoze WITHOUT
having to downgrade to IE !
How great is that then !! :-D
Now one doesnt EVER have to use IE hehehe
Totally and utterly bastard groovy !


August 05, 2007

sick today

i quote "Dude" from the game Postal 2 -
"I dont feel too good", drank hard liquor last
night with Patrick and a Annika, coworker with him
at Jenny Nyström school, im guessing
im getting too old for booze, prob should stick
to beers only, been pukin all day (nothing i drink
or eat stays down for more than 10 secs) and im fairly sure
i have a little fever and shit, man i feel awful :(

heres a nice short clip on Morrissey talking about
Madonnas performance on live earth, kinda umm
interesting ^^

Heres a brand new song by Steven Patrick

August 02, 2007

NEW Dave Gahanj album October 22 !

"Hourglass" is the brand new Dave Gahan
album and its due October 22 ! :-D
Cant wait to hear it, im one of the few
DM fans around here who really liked
his first solo album "Paper Monsters"
so this is gonna be very interesting !! : )

spammers - low iq lifeforms

well we all call spammers retards, mofos,
motherfuckers (o wait that IS mofo), morons,
smalldicked lowlives, untermensch et cetera,
but lately they have PROVED themselves
to be all that, for instance the latest
"trend" by spammers are, and this is kinda amazing
that they REALLY believe ANYONE is gonna fall
for this, in the headline field they write, as they usually do,
":re" (i never felt for that trick when it said ":re"
and then the sender had a name like Hubert Rodriguez II,
i think id KNOW if i ever mailed anyone called
that name, and since i havent, theres NO reason id get
a ":re" from "him", "her" or "it"), anyhow,
headline says only ":re" and then the sender is,
this is truly THE sign spammers are unbelieveably stupid
and retarded, the sender is MY OWN MAILADY .... !!
I mean what can one say but LOOOOOL to the
low intelligence quot of that individual who tried to spam me???
I mean duh, the fact that try to trick me to open a mail
from ME, TO me, thats even MORE retarded than when
they tried that trick i wrote of above ie Hubert Rodriguez II
with their ":re" hahaha man theyre ssoooo stupid ;)

I must point out that when theres a mail from [apparent]
my inbox, to my inbox, its not (obviously !) from me,
if one checks the
headers theres the REAL sender, i can, if i want,
put it into blocked domains or IP but thats no point since
99.99 pcg of those domains/IP are hacked accounts
or accounts belonging to someone else but the spammers,
the spammers hacks someone elses account, send out their
unwanted and unneeded bs and then never use that account ever
again, another "trend" of those lowlives are the fact that i
got a lot of mails from 123.greetingsdotcom,
and the headline says "youve got a card from
a schoolmate!", and when i checked the header,
it wasnt at all from 123greetings, the latest
domain said somehting like krlddotcom,
and that mail had a redirect-link to the (presumed)
card, like "http:13259.9843.39586 whatevernamedotcom"
and had i been dumb enough to click on
THAT link, who knows what virus/trojan/hackerbase
id trigger ;)
"Funny" part of those mails are that the socalled
schoolmate sender name IS just that, Mr School mate
hahaha, spammers are so STUPID !
In other words, if you get a mail from
123greetingsdotcom, be VERY careful,
esp if it says "a schoolmate has sent you a card!"

whats a forum post without a youtube vid hehe :p

Die krupps - "Fatherland"
and for the record, some people get it wrong, its
NOT "die" as in "death", its german in the sense of
"das" or "der" meaning "the", and furthermore for the record
the name Krupps comes from Alfred Krupp,
infamous owner of the Krupp konglomerat
who used concentration camp prisoners as
slave labourers during WW2.
Und so weiter