...started today. Bicycling is truly THE sport when it comes to combining
the two components of MAN and MACHINE, and coupled with what
truly makes any sport interesting, namely TACTICS, it truly makes for
a very interesting sport. :-) It is also a very international sport,
take my fave team Credit Agricole for instance, this site here -
shows that CA has such diverse riders from Italy, Hungary,
Russia, New Zealand, France, Norway, Kazachstan, Estonia,
USA and the UK, sadly tho no Swedes atm, they used to have when their
sponsor was GAN ie Magnus Bäckstedt, one of our greatest cyclists ever,
the only Swede to win an etape in Tour DeFrance, in 1998
(he also has his own coffe which he formulated himself, called
"Magnus Maximus", that should prove to each and everyone that we
Swedes takes our coffe most seriously ;) And btw I make the BEST coffe
around here, and prob even in all of Sweden, hmm come to think of it
Im sure I make the best coffe in the galaxy)
The german Team Mobile cyclist Andreas Klier has a Swedish
mother, and furthermore, shes actually from Kalmar, prob dussnt sound
very cool but then again, Kalmar aint Moscow, Canberra or
New Jersey, which coincidentally, I might visit this upcoming fall
or winter hehe =D
NIN has released a new single called "Only" and the question is why??
Why "Only"? theres loads of better songs on "With Teeth" ffs ! Hmm
And I must confess i love the latest single release by
Coldplay called "Speed of sound", I love that dreamlike atmos :)
Altho theres traces of Radiohead, U2 and Kent in the whole album,
still they manage to have their own sound, of that whole album I also
like the opener, "Square One" a lot, "Talk" is also great,
as is "Low".
Im also trying to get into Interpol, its an interesting band
albeit I have a hard time coming over their (very) apparent
Joy Division fascination (their singer sounds a LOT like Ian Curtis)