September 19, 2006

i smell a conspiracy

Klas, over at his blog, is trying to
trick us, first he posted a pic of his son
WITHOUT any arms holding him,
perfectly normal, but then he posts the
exact same pic, but now theres an arm on it
from nowhere, he claims that he used Photoshop
to remove it on the first posted pic, and then that hes
now posting the original pic, with the arm on it
i think its the other way around,
i think he used Photoshop to place an arm on the
pic, probably took the arm from anothe rpic and then
copy and pasted it onto the pic, but for my mind i cant
figure out WHY hes trying to trick us hmmmmmm
im keeping a close eye on this suspicious matter
in the interest of truth ..... ^^


At 9:23 pm, Blogger Lundin said...

Ibland vet jag inte vart du får dina funderingar ifrån. Har du måhända luktat på whiskeykorken? haha. Vilka konspirationsteorier du har.

At 9:54 pm, Blogger Timelord said...

tja, jag har lärt mig av en maestro på konspirationsteori-området, alltså Digital, han med sina teorier om hur svenska regeringen och judarna hade en konspiration under andra världskriget (!!)


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