September 13, 2006

just a theoretical, hypothetical example

lets say, for the sake of argument,
that you have a best friend, in school
(when youre like 12- to 15, ie regular school)
that you hang with, almost each and every day,
you THINK youre the best of friends,
are you with me this far? Ok, lets move on,
and then, when its time to leave regular school
and to seek into Gymnasiet (dunno the eng name for it,
but its the volunteery school you attend
after you leave the 9th grade)
and your best friend, cuss of better grades (maybe in this
case, hypothetically speaking of course, with some help
of an unusual coloured tongue, instead of the usual red
maybe its of a more brownish nature)
gets into a, theoretically speaking, a line thats considered
"higher", or "better" than the line that YOU get into,
maybe your friend gets into a line called,
hypothetically speaking still, El-Tele teknisk linje
(ie working with currents and other electrical appliances),
and you go to, theoretically speaking,
Verkstads-teknisk linje (industry-related,welding, mills,
hammering on metal etc)
which is considered a lower education to attend, especially
by those who goes to "higher", or "better" lines,
and then that friend of yours suddenly says to you,
"look, i dont wanna hang with you anymore cuss you attend a lower
line than what I do!", well, hypothetically speaking
WHAT would YOU call that "friend" then?
Hippocrit? Loser? Lowlife?

AND, for the sake of argument,
what if that friend then 20 years on
would work with, hypothetically speaking,
"industry-related,welding, mills,
hammering on metal etc"-kinda work,
what then?
Ironic huh?
That friend, who dissed you for no other reason
than looking down on you for attending an education
deemed lower than what he (for the sake of argument i have
reffered to that friend as a he)
is attending, then he turns out working with EXACTLY
what he deemed beneath him, what then is he?
To use the word hippocrit would be appropriate, no?
To use the word "a dude full of horseshit" would probably
also be very accurate in this case,
hypothetically speaking.
Of course.


At 11:10 am, Blogger Lundin said...

Har du nyligen stött på denne person (vet vem du syftar på)? Eller varför dessa funderingar?

btw ringde igår som planerat (flera ggr)... men icke nått svar från lille Dan. Var han måhända lite krasslig och kinkig.

Har märkt att du ändrat vem som kan svara på dina inlägg. Som du har inställningarna nu kan endast de som har ett blogger account svara på dina funderingar

At 2:11 pm, Blogger Timelord said...

kan ej svara på vem som avses i mina hypotetiska funderingar, självklart är denna tragiska, patetiska och synnerligen hycklande individ en verklig figur från mitt förflutna, får jag nånsin syn på honom kommer jag att åka dit för misshandel
hmmmmm har jag ändrat mina inläggsaccount-svarsmöjligheter (e de ens ett ord?)? hmmm kan nog vara pga av att jag fn e exakt som en doom3 zombie, sov 2 timmar inatt (självklart drabbas man av sömnlöshet natten innan man MÅSTE upp, tack Fkassan för era IDIOTISKA öppettider)


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