5 years ago
a specific february day in 1986 and a specific
september day in 2001 are unique, because
i rememebr exactly what i was doing, what i was
feeling, what i was going to do etc etc,
both when Palme was shot (or more specifically
when i was awaken by my sister that morning after
the murder, which is still unsolved, a great shame
on this nation) and when plane 11 was crashing into
WTC, I remember I was going from the puter
(where I was playing Counterstrike, I actually
remember it was a mapchange from cs_assault to
de_dust2) to the lav to take a leak when i glanced at the
telly, I remember i was thinking "wow, this must be some
scene from like Die Hard 4 or something",
but the words "live" in top left corner made me realise
this was not some new film, such a shock all that was.
I read some interview in the Aftonhoran about some mother
who lost her 8 month pregnant daughter,
and then afterwards, her fiance took his life by drinking
himself to death in a very short timespan,
2.973 lives lost in the actual crash(es) on that day
is a total catastrophe in itself, but i wonder how
many lives has been shattered afterwards ...
Apparently the terrorists ( as cowards as they are,
as all terrorists are, whose main targets always are civilians)
deliberately delayed the second planes crash just to make sure
they got as many firemen, police officers and other
rescue workers as possible, and if THAT is what it takes to be
in moslim heaven, then i can only wish that THAT heaven is
NOT where im going when that time has come.
Without sounding nerdy, but as Mr Worf would have said -
"they are without honour".
Its hard to envision a more LOW and COWARD
action than trying to kill, not only civilians,
but civilians that are trying to help other civilians.
In my opinion, president Bush is steppin onto the graves
of all the victims of 9/11 by his action of
raping Iraq, it has been proven again and again, that
Iraq has NOTHING to do with Usama and his band
of cowards, Bush and the coalition of lapdogs
oops i mean willing, has started THE most unjustified war
in history, its like if some rich Norwegian guy would
blow up the "Ölands-bron" (a 3 mile bridge between
Kalmar and the island Öland) and then Sweden would
suddenly invade Finland as retaliation
Thats my two cents anyhow
Read more about the war here
and here
Fy tusan viken härmis! GAY, You sad it! :-)
Intressant... Delar dina åsikter ifrågan.
Dagarna du anger är dagar som många människor har starka minnen till. Jag kommer ihåg att jag gick ned för att äta frukost då nyheten förmedlades av min far. Men, mest tydligt kommer jag ihåg min stora besvikelse över att Razzel (tänker främst på Black adder) inte visades. Det störde mig mer (då) än att Palme hade skjutits.. Betänkt att jag bara gick i sexan...
Ok, till ditt ämne nu... Kommer också väldigt säkert ihåg vad jag gjorde de specifika dagarna. Den dag när Palme dog delade jag ut frallor för att vår klass skulle kunna åka på skolresa. Innan jag åkte på den turen såg jag morgonnyheterna. Väldigt overkligt kändes det. MEN ännu overkligare kändes det att titta på alla inslag om planen som krashar in i WTC. Och den dagen var jag i skolan och höll på med en hemtenta. Men som sagt, dessa bisarra händelser har etsat sig fast på de flestas näthinnor.
Gillar att du omger dig med citat från Star Trek :-)Håller fullständigt med
"Gillar att du omger dig med citat från Star Trek :-)Håller fullständigt med" Tror jag säkert eftersom DU, men ICKE jag, är en Treknerd ^^ ;)
Kommer ihåg nu när du säger det att Black Adder, idol o hjälte, blev inställd, kommer också ihåg hur Red Dwarf blev inställt när Estonia sjönk till botten 1994, kommer också ihåg hur fantastiskt vansinnig jag var över det ^^
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