September 15, 2006


Patrik was here last night, and we got into the
"practise of languages", he explained how much he hates
this thing of spelling like this - "Da sh!t !5 m3!!" ("the shit is me")
or whats known, at least partially, as "1337" (1337 = leet, with the use of
numbers substituting specific letters, 1 is the letter L,
3 represents an E, 5 becomes S, A is a 4 etc) which derives, partly, from the
gaming communitites, although it really started in the 1980s,
with the BBS databases and similar,
and theres also the opposite of being "1337" -
Anyhow, heres "Fader vår", a hymn, not sure about the
English name, "Our father"? Something like that
 0wr F4th3R, wh0 0wnz h34\/3n, j00 r0x0rs!
M4y 4|| 0wr b4s3 s0m3d4yBl0ng t0 j00!
M4y j00 0wn 34rth juss |1|3 j00 0wn h34\/3n.
G1v3 us th1s d4y 0wr w4r3z, mp3z, 'n
pr0n thr0ugh a ph4t |. 4nd cut us s0m3
sl4ck wh3n w3 4ct lik3 n00b l4m3rz,
juss 4s w3 g1v3 n00bz 4 l34rn1n
wh3n th3y l4m3 2 us. Pl34s3 d0n't l3t us
0wn s0m3 p00r d00d'z b0x3n wh3n w3'r3 t00 p1ss3d
t0 th1nk 4b0ut wh4t's r1ght 4nd wr0ng, 4nd 1f
j00 c0uld k33p th3 f3i 0ff 0wr b4ckz,
w3'd 'pr3c14t3 1t. F0r j00 0wn
4ll 0wr b0x3n 3v3r 4nd 3v3r, 4m3n!

Ok so its not word for word translation from
the original hymn ^^

Theres also something called "uber1337",
that includes the usage
of the whole keyboard
the sentence "Hello, how are you today"
becomes -
|-|3||0 |-|0\/\/ 4|23 ´/0|_| 70|)4´/"


The naminator (has a 1337 function too)

(i wanted to include CS Bananas "l33t generator" here
but apparently its removed,
prob some script kiddies fault)


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