its saturday and i have NO liquor, no whiskey
not even a beer wtf, this sucks Taylor Rains backside
now playing -- The Mission -
"Anthology, Phonogram Years 2cd",
hey it starts off with my alltime fav Mission song,
which is, obviously, "Serpent's Kiss" :D
Wayne Hussey, the singer, is the cunt that Eldritch
disposed off back in 1986, then he (Wayne) tried to
startup a band called "Sisterhood" which sounds
just a TAD alike The Sisters of Mercy, so Eldritch
got pissed off, but instead of doing what would be
common ie sue Waynes tight butt,
he startedup his own Sisterhood and then
quickly released one single "Giving ground"
and one album, "Gift", the interesting fact is
that Wayne got to review Edlritch' Sisterhood album
for some UK mag (prob NME, total suckage
of a mag) and he didnt get the fact WHY it was
even released in the first place, hes THAT
dumbassed ^^ Okay hes a fairly good singer and
The Mission did a cpl of nice songs, but, well,
its a tad too much Sisters of Mercy "delight",
but if i must recommend ONE
album, id easily choose "The First Chapter",
sorta minialbum
released shortly after the debut
"God's Own Medicine", theres a cpl of nice "mellow"
tracks on the third album
"Carved In Sand", but for the love of God
stay the fack away from their second album "Children",
man that one just plain suck!
I generositetens tecken tänkte jag bjussa på en pilsner i lördags men du vägrade att svara i telefonen, så vad kan en vän i nöden då göra… ^^
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