already Microcraps new shit sucks - NO TO VISTA
whos surprised?? Im not, microshit employees cant
program fer shite (but then again mostly they dont have to do
some REAL programming since they STEAL their stuff from
others, change some colours slightly, add the word "Microsft"
27 times on every page, and then put it in their catalogue
as their own product, and they get away with it because
they are the biggest computer company in the world
(having to say THAT sentence really is like sitting down on
a 13inch nail..)and if the rightful owner of that aforementioned
product dares to claim his (or her) rights, the microshit
lawyers bulldoze over the RIGHTFUL owner in a split second
("free market forces" huhhh ?? Capitalism is the exact opposite
actually, look at the prime capitalistic market, USA,
in every field of commerce theres ONE giant company
who owns everything) and thats the end of that matter ..
I read about Vista, already it showed off its full potential
as a crap product, three (3) of ten "fresh" viruses passed through
the Vista Protection program.. 3!
We can all hope that this new Vista will be the final
nail (hopefully 12 inch ones hehe) in the coffin of
Microshite, I for one will never use Vista, one of many, many
arguments against it is, obviously, that I do not want MY
computer to work AGAINST me, which it will if one has
mp3-s in ones HD (tell me ONE person who doesnt!!)
which hasnt passed Vista's "authentication program"
(and obviously most mp3-s wont pass it since it will
only work on Microsoft-supported stuff, which rules out
EVERY mp3 that isnt "validated" (read BOUGHT),
so sod that crap, dont bullshit a bullshitter ffs !!
And dont get me started on Palladium (or whatever its called
today), Microsofts own inbuilt TROJAN/SUPERVISOR,
which, if you try to temper with it, will shut down Your
computer ....!! Hypothetical example - lets say that
Microshit gets hacked (shouldnt be very difficult since
that company is run by bonafied mofos and stupid idiots)
and then they get a hold of YOUR personal Palladium key ...
Talk about MAJOR crisis !!!
Just say NO TO VISTA !
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