November 25, 2006

COOLEST film ever

COOLEST actor ever
Steve McQueen.
Talk about a COOL film!
The mtv generation couldnt possibly understand
how cool Bullitt is and how cool Steve McQueen is in it,
not a chance, todays films are all about huge explosions,
special effects and people TRYING to be cool (vin diesel,
the rock etc), to those people Bullitt probably would appear
slow and devoid of action, they wouldnt know the meaning of
the word "suspense" and the TRUE meaning of the word
Bullitt has it all, a good story, good actors (AND good
supporting actors, another field of the making of a GOOD
film thats lost today), suspense, action, drama,
and it also has that "je ne sais quoi"-quality of a very
cool atmosphere over itself, sorta menacing and dark
despite daylight, and of course it has the best and most
cool carchase ever, i love that black Dodge Charger,
talk about COOL car ffs :P and Steves green Mustang 67
(I THINK it is a 67) is also a keeper,
ive tried hard to find anything bad about Bullitt,
but there isnt anything i can find that isnt top notch,
its a 5 of 5 rating without question!
Hmmm its set in San Francisco, seems to be a cool
town, Bullitt, Dirty Harry films, Driver games,
theyre all in "Frisco", man i must go there some day ffs !! =)


At 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Åka till San Francisco? [gapskratt] Du måste först lära dig att lämna "dödskallegrottan" ^^ ;-)

Håller med dig om Bullit, en film som håller en i dag och med filmhistoriens häftigaste bil. Och Dan, om du ska åka till San Francisco någon dag så lovar jag att hänga på.

At 12:31 am, Blogger Timelord said...

OM jag åker till Frisco så blir det icke med typ barn o andras fruntimmer i släptåg, tyvärr, och om jag åker dit så blir jag där i typ minst en månad ..


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