November 23, 2006

copy n'paste

well, this is a post from user Stabinbac
from the Doom forum about Vista --

"My big gripe with Vista is that I don't want it. It's really a different product than their earlier systems. It has strayed too far from what I consider "Windows".

I am really quite fond of XP. It's a nice combination that I find myself working very well in.

Aero glass? It's useless eye candy. How do I know? I've got even cooler things on my Gentoo installs. Those are side systems though. My primary system I keep as simple as possible. I still use the Windows classic look because it works wonderfully for me. The default XP theme is just... horrible. The fancy Vista themes are completely useless for my primary system.

New search functionality? I barely use search as it is. I have a labyrinth of poorly named folders across 4 drives totaling over 500GB of data that I can guide through with ease. The only thing I don't like about XP's search is that I can't get it to default to search all, so I have to click it every time.

I only want to search all files. By name, location, size, and date. All other search functionality is irritating to me.

Too many default features in Vista? Yup. Even more than XP. More stuff that I don't want on my computer in the first place.

More copyright protection? Whos system is it? My system is now going to actively work against me? Enforcing debatable legality?

The concept of security is an odd one. Microsoft markets to too many people that they have to aim for a very low level of user. Handy functionality is restricted and removed because there are too many morons.

Microsoft wants us to be more emotionally attached to our computers? They're attempting to do this by providing things like image software and dvd creating software? I'd never use them. They'd sit there useless and probably remind me of the control over my own OS I wish I had.

Live taskbar thumbnails: Useless.

Start orb: ugly.

New start menu: Disgustingly irritating.

I don't want Vista. I want a revamped XP. Increase stability, security, and customizeability. It'll serve me perfectly till the end of time.

What will happen? Vista will be released. Support for XP will decline. Games will become Vista exclusive (Halo 2 is directX 9!!). Support from more basic software will fade.

What will I probably do? Stop playing new games. Dig myself into a comfortable nest of c++, and watch as people continually purchase their own slavery with every new OS. The Vista release is probably where I'll jump off the Windows train. It's sad since the trip from the last stop was quite nice."

I have to agree in everything he (im assuming Stabinbac is a he)
said, but im not totally fond of XP, altho its the best microsoft
has done so far (which obviously doesnt say too much, the words
"good", "best" and "microsoft" in same sentence doesnt match,
the words "n00b", "crapage", "bsod", "crash" and "microsft",
THEY do match)


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