December 18, 2006

now playing and FC tarded programming

Garden of Delight - "Sargonid Seal" (my fav with them)
while i await the new album, "Lutherion III" to be released =)

heres a cool sig i found on the
Far Cry forums -
"Microsloth Windoze:
A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell
to a sixteen-bit patch
to an eight-bit operating system
originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor
which was written by a two-bit company
that cant stand one bit of competition."

Speaking of Far Cry i noticed theres a L0T of
problems with the new 1.4 patch, all sorta odd and weird
problems apparently (i write "apparently" since i havent
tried that patch with Far Cry, i gave up on FC when
those graphical anomalies began, which CANNOT be resolved
regardless, and speaking of the 1.4 patch, just WHO were those
"testers"??!?? A couple of blind n00bs who knows sodall
about programming/scripting/modding/working with games
evidently, given the results with their RETARDED patches,
such a great game spoiled by useless worthless
programmers/scripters etc, its kinda funny that before I bought
the game I downloaded a cracked copy (i dont wanna spend
cash, of which i dont have much of to start with, on useless
games, they cost like 90 bucks) and THAT cracked copy
works BETTER than the original FC, despite it being patched
three (3) times ..! Whats the conclusion? Yup, the cracker
is a BETTER programmer than a whole TEAM of
computer programmers ...... Interesting isnt it?
Especially since if the makers of FC and now Crysis (FC 2)
keeps this up, theyll be just like Microsoft, problem after problem
after problem after .. you get the drill by now ^^
Altough there shouldnt be any "^^" after that penultimate
sentence, ie the one preceeding this, last one ...


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