July 20, 2006

time to extend the family

gonna be an uncle soon hehehehe : )
Finally, think its in october or there abouts,
lets hope that kid will be less violent than
Patriks Julia, she likes to kinda jump and kick in
certain unmentionable areas whenever shes around,
a TRUE woman in other words .... ^^

* * * * * * * * _ * * * * * * * _ * * * * * * * * *
currently playing WAY too loud -
Muscle and Hate - A tribute to Nitzer Ebb
and also
Nitzer Ebb - Body of Work (2cd)
didnt have the William Orbit remixes of Backlash and
Captivate, so this was a nice find =D

"We are the boys, we are the big boys,
were so strong, were so pure,
we know we are, we know we are,
wont you come and join us
in our playground,
its a violent playground"

* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ *


At 12:35 pm, Blogger Lundin said...

Congratulation. Suppose there will be many trips to for little-Dan to Ölands djurpark then… ;-)

At 6:45 pm, Blogger Timelord said...

not if i can help it, Bravin is the satan in disguise


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