during the wait for the card part 1
well, i installed Wolfenstein ecently
seeing as i can barely run my Doom3,
and i got a reminder today as i played
the MP part WHY i stopped playing
it several years ago, the MP part suck ass,
the unis on both side look VERY alike,
and since all servers run it with TK (TK=Team Kill)
set to ON (a VERY stupid retarded decision)
one get a lot of involunteery teamkills,
which makes the admins angry,
so on hesitates whenever someone comes rushing
and what happens then? Yup, I snuff it cuss
i hesitated cuss getting a high amount of TK
gets one kicked, and since wolfenstein MP today has like
maybe 25 servers still remaining, its a bad idea getting
a TK rep ..... Wolf MP=retardation part 1,
the HUD and outlay of the console is a total pigswell
too, very confusing and illogical,
and the number of maps is low, most of them are dull, bland,
unbalanced and overly boring, and the most
unbalanced one also happens to be the most popular,
ie BEACH, one is either Axis or Allies, Axis defends the map
while Allies tries to storm the beach a la Normandie 1944
(/hence the BEACH word), well if you ever play it you KNOW its
a waste of time being Allied, if the teams are wellbalanced on any
other wolf map, the advantages are so overwhelming that
the Axis has like a 10 to 1 advantage .. Wolf MP=retardation part 2
And nowadays the "CS-disease" has gripped it,
everybody has names like m45T3RIand theres ALWAYS one sad dumbass who stands around at
own spawn and TK-s teamplayers purposely,
and yup, hes the sad dude with the masterkiller name
Wolf MP=retardation part 3
And all of above is the reason i quit Wolfenstein MP
all those years ago (the game hails from 2001),
the SP part is nice tho, some really nice levels,
but i can see why there never were any mods for it,
its virtually impossible to mod it, you need a doctors degree
in comp science to even do minor changes,
everything is stored in the .exe and the game86.dll file,
most people, including me, dont know how to operate
such files, compiling and recompiling of such files
are very risky by default, the .exe is of course the
main part of any game (or program), just ONE
simple error while recompiling it, you can kiss
your installment buhbye, and thats why there is like
maybe 4 different SP mods all in all, and ive played them all
when i played this game before, so theres nothing new
to explore for me "SP-wise"
Wolf MP=retardation part 4
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