January 14, 2007

the profithungry becks

Ali G interviewed Beckham and posh (as always
theres NADA posh about posh whatsoever, a more
non-erection enhancing "girl" isnt possible)
and Ali asked Posh if she "took it up the arse" (yeah he did actually)
and she never replied to it, but he should have asked becks that
instead, cuss he does "take it up the arse", he recently signed a
contract with Los Angeles Galaxy worth about 150 000 bucks
a week, and yet he claims "its not for the money",
the fact that he cant hold his position in Real Madrid anymore
probably doesnt come into it huhh .... Lamer


At 6:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Videon var lite smårolig. Har inte sett den innan. Men tom posh framstår ju som ett geni jämfört med beckham i denna sekvens.

At 8:57 pm, Blogger Timelord said...

haha jo, den videosnutten är synnerligen bra (o något avslöjande) :)
btw nya Rome season 2 är hur bra som helst =)


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