but heres one (or more) from Youtube :p
the world's number 1 n00bz0rs got pied ! :-D
"Dont Crash" (a highly underrated 242 tune and actually one of me favs ffs!)
"Slaughter" and some more (never seen this b4, and i notice they
have these UBeRC00L helicopter boots!! aargh i want a pair too dammit!!!)
"Operating tracks", from their first album
"U Men" - reminds me of when Patrik and I shared some apartment
back in the days, we argued a lot like this (and yeah OBVIOUSLY I
always won ^^)
Cabaret Voltaire - "Sensoria" (AND its the glorious
extended 12 mix!!) Hehe i have an exact replica of
Richard H Kirk's leather jacket (altho mine
isnt as green as his, mines more black, its the one that Jimbo always
refers to as "Dannes gestapo coat" hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
Bassdrum is fun!! ^^
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