November 16, 2006

the BIGGEST BIMBO in the world

its such a shame there isnt any english subtitles
for this, because here Emma Anderson, a VERY LowIQ
bimbo known for being known, she was also in
Robinson docusoap once, here she is thinking
shes being interviewed, while in fact shes a "victim"
for a spoof, they throw at her a LOT of VERY known Nazi thingies,
names and phrases like Treblinka, Goebbels, Leni Riefenstahl,
Axis powers, Mussolini, SS, Rommel, Third Reich etc etc
and she gets NADA, im ashamed seeing this knowing a
Swedish person can be THIS retarded

Interview with Victoria Silvstedt (or is it?)


At 9:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emma-videon är faktiskt riktigt bra :) Du hämtar din insperation enbart från Youtube numera märker jag...

At 7:10 pm, Blogger Timelord said...

jupp, trots den enorma laggigheten där så finns det ett o annat guldkorn där =)
hmmm tycker denna blogg blir saggigare o saggigare för varje dag, fn går det inte att se din blogg : /


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