April 20, 2006


Steam, something that the nazis would have loved
has now bought up the popular mod (!) for Halflife 2 called
Garys mod, which means that if you wanna play that mod
you actually have to PAY for it .... Interesting, cuss a mod
is something fans of a game develops, on their spare time and for free,
but if one has to pay for playing mods, then the whole concept is
perverted, i guess its logic that Gabe (owner of Valve who developed
Halflfie series and founded Steam), the online equivalent of Josef Stalin
and the Soviet Communist Party, wants to own EVERYTHING, hmmmm he prob
drives a BMW, smalldicked dudes usually has to show off
and compensates for the "lack of equipment", its very common,
its a real sad day for the mod community all over the world
when the owners of games starts to interfere and wants to
control the mods that people duss,
Steam is excellent in that perspective, the ONLY thing lacking
in it for it to be the Big Brother Ultimate Instrument, is the CAMERA,
im amazed people are so unintelligent they cant see that,
o well their loss, and if Steam somehow becomes a prog that one
must have on one sputer to play ANY games at all, ill only be
playing pirated games cuss Steam is NEVER gonna be on my puter,
i have integrity and i dont peel on that for any game at all,
its immensly basic - Steam = anti-gamer


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