October 11, 2005

great statesman ??

hmmm read somewhere (prob someone affiliated withFoxnews) that
the president of the USA is one of the greatest statesman
in the history ever, well far be it for me to state otherwise,
but I do think Bush kinda halters just a lil tad in
comparison to, for example, Emperor Augustus Caesar,
the first ever Caesar in Rome (nope Julius Gaius Caesar, the original
Caesar since its his birthname, and Augustus was his adoptive son,
wasnt emperor, "merely" Dictator, and the word/title
Dictator has no comparative to todays meaning of that word)
who won a civil war (against Marc Antony), united Rom and built it up,
strenghtened its borders, conquered barbaric states, brought order
into Rome and ruled with a just, honest government,
and he stated at the end of his life,
and quite correctly, "I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble".
In my opinion no other Caesar came close to Augustus (his given
name was, if not mistaken, Gaius Octavius)
although there are other Caesars that are intriguing (the three
consecutive emperors, Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius are some of them)
Another of his sayings include "Festina Lente", "hasten slowly"
and a couple of more but I cant remember those at this mome.
Anyhow, Id LOVE to see a documentary made by some historians
on their views of the comparison Augustus Caesar - George Bush.


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